Michael Griffith
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More 'Multiple Figures/Scene' by Michael Griffith
Meryl Oil Big Sur Vista Oil Teresa in Black Oil
Then What Oil Julius Oil Poet Laurrette Oil
Eff Oil Eve Oil Paul Oil Jon Oil
Gabriella waitress Oil Jazz Oil Woman of the night Oil Moroccan woman Oil
Heres looking at you Oil Fisherman repairing net Oil Morning Brew Oil
Morning Brew II Oil Old Timer Oil Bali elder woman Oil Nina Oil
Bob Oil Ed Oil Street woman Oil Ocean Beach regular Oil
Having a smoke Oil Young Woman Oil young woman  w blond hair Oil Night market Chang mai Oil
about to leave Oil bring calm Oil Conspiracy IIa Oil
Wonder Oil Bolero Oil local man Oil Sketching Oil
first oil painting Oil Singers I Oil
Singers II Oil Singers III Oil Conspiracy of Beards I Oil
Conspiracy of Beards II Oil Conspiracy of Beards III Oil Sainte Chapelle Oil
Oman Festival Oil Tamil Dancers Oil The Man Oil
Daryl conductor Oil Blue Ladies Oil washtub base Oil New York Women Oil
Donna con Donna Oil Lifetime Oil Differences Oil
yes!! Oil Buddhist at the airport Oil Night Watch Oil
fishermen talkling Oil Gamblers Oil Night Watchmen Mamalapuram Oil
Flower Vendors Oil Mother and Daughter Oil Betwixt and Between Oil
After Market Oil Liz and Don Oil puppet show Oil
Refugees Oil Recruits Oil Closing time at Stars Oil
Pink Adobe Oil Refugees Oil Refugees Ukrane Oil
Early negotiations Oil Later negoriations Oil Bebe Oil
Bistro Rendevous Oil First Date Oil Lunch date Oil
looking away Oil Tuileries gardens Oil Break time Oil
Celebration Oil path of life Oil Little guy Oil
Chichester Cathedral-Turners perspective Oil Red Cat Oil Abstract #1 Oil
Shiva Oil Abstract II Oil PA nude Oil Contemplation Oil
  48 x 60 x 2  in
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Social comment on limitations on aspirations of African American youth...taken from two photographs I took in Washington DC.
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